Choosing Your Highest Timeline

Live in peace regardless of what is going on around you

About this program

This class is all about reclaiming your energy and consciously creating your reality. We’ll dive into the embodiment of 5D, giving you the tools to embrace abundance and manifest in flow.

Learn how to be unbothered by people

(no really, you won't even think about them)

Find out how to allow abundance in

(and what you're doing now to stop it)

When it feels like life isn’t going the way you hoped—whether it’s people around you, circumstances, or the state of the world—finding your own power can feel challenging. This class is about consciously creating a reality that’s truly yours, even when everything else is on fire. We’ll cover:

  • People & Tolerance: How to stop "tolerating" others and begin truly allowing them, freeing yourself from others’ energy and learning to set your focus within. Discover how to reframe stories and beliefs to keep yourself grounded and empowered.
  • Abundance & Self-Worth: Money and abundance are rooted in our beliefs about self-worth. We’ll explore how to shift negative money stories, create a new relationship with abundance, and allow flow without getting stuck in lack.
  • Aligning with Your Highest Timeline: Reclaim your power by learning how to actually let go of control over others and focus on the best version of you. Through mantras, visualizations, and quantum jumping, we’ll practice staying grounded, clear, and in tune with the future you want to create.

Whether it’s people, the world, or finances, this class helps you connect with the best version of yourself to create an empowered path forward. And if you're ready to dive even deeper, this is your first step into the next level: Manifestation Mastery 2.0. Let’s start shifting your reality, hot stuff. You deserve it. And we’ll show you how.

Are you ready to...

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Workshop Details





USD one time