
You've found the place to get answers
to your burning questions!
Let's chat directly with your spirit guides, change the energy of difficult situations, and begin to plot the course for you to live the life you desire.
March is now fully booked.
The April calendar will open on March 14th.
Limited Urgent Channeling sessions are available

Do you only book single sessions?

Nope! As a psychic and spiritual coach, my greatest joy is helping you tap into your own power and level up this earthly existence. Our first session is not only a chance for you to address any immediate, pressing challenges with me channeling your spirit guides—it's also to see if we're a fit for each other in a larger sense, should you want that.

You can always book the one session. But if you'd like more, we can chat about my three and six month private coaching containers. Just let me know in session!
Both options give you enough time for big changes to start taking effect. How many and how big is completely up to you.

Within the first three months, my clients typically get into the flow of recognizing what they want to change, with some skills established for how. In the following three months, we typically see more quick and consistent growth. You are comfortable, we have an established flow, and we gain the ability to rapidly work through the energy you wish to change.

Next Steps
for Coaching Containers


Once you've decided which container fits you best, I send you a link for the deposit to secure your spot. ​You choose the amount, and may even use your initial 1:1 session fee towards this deposit.

​Some choose a small amount just to secure the spot. Some choose a larger amount to lower the payments. It's up to you!

Payment Plan

Then we choose a payment plan.​ You can pay weekly or monthly. Each payment is auto drafted securely through Stripe.

And you have choices as to what period of time you take to pay:

  • In Full
  • Over 3 Months
  • Over 6 Months
  • Over 12 Months


Once we've found what suits you best, I draw up our contract detailing your deposit paid and payment plan agreed upon.​

Client and Coach expectations are also listed for ease and clarity.


Now we get to choose our regular meeting day and time!

Client sessions are held Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday during the day. They last anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour.

​You will also have full access to me in our private Telegram chat between our weekly calls. My Telegram hours are Mon-Fri 9-5 eastern time.

1:1 Sessions


What you get

A private session for you to ask questions as I channel your spirit guides and help you walk away with:

  • Clarity around a particular situation or challenge
  • Spiritual support
  • High-vibe guidance to achieve the outcome you want the most
  • Ideas for how to integrate your new perspective shift into your everyday life