Books & Thangs


Starting Off Point

The Convoluted Universe: Book One
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace

Shadow Work

How To Do The Work
How To Meet Yourself: The Workbook For Self-Discovery

Personal Faves

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace
Don't Think Like A Human
Alchemy of the Human Spirit
Many Lives, Many Masters
Miracles Happen
Same Soul, Many Bodies
The Ultimate Numerology Book
Soul Speak
Sacred Geometry: An A-Z Reference Guide
The Map of Consciousness Explained
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine

Dolores Cannon

The Convoluted Universe: Book One
The Convoluted Universe: Book Two
The Convoluted Universe: Book Three
The Convoluted Universe: Book Four
The Convoluted Universe: Book Five
Keepers of the Garden
Jesus and the Essenes
They Walked With Jesus
Five Lives Remembered
Conversations with Nostradamus: Volumes 1 and 2
Conversations with Nostradamus: Volume 3
A Soul Remembers Hiroshima
Legacy From the Stars
The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
Between Death and Live
The Custodians
The Search For Hidden Sacred Knowledge

Map of Consciousness

Developed by Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD

Curious about where your base vibration is? This map gives a great visual of the correlation between vibrational levels and the corresponding dimensional energy.

Understanding the Chakras


Everything is connected. By understanding what body system is connected to what Chakra, you can take the steps needed to rebalance your energies for a happier and healthier you.

Map of Consciousness

Absolute Self
Supra Causal Self
Causal Self
Universal Self
Galactic Self
Planetary Self
Higher Self
400 - 539
Rational Linear
Emotional Self
200 - 399
Lower Ego Self
20 - 199